A message from our CEO

Our mission is to accelerate access to medicines for patients in every corner of the globe. For over 35 years, we have been working to ensure that we can deliver on that promise.

Health is a fundamental human right. Yet there are glaring global disparities in access to medicines and effective healthcare. Through the work we do and the people we work with, Clinigen has the opportunity to build transparent and resilient supply chains, shorten access times for patients, and help healthcare professionals and pharmaceutical and biotech companies navigate new and uncharted territories.

Our immediate focus is to address urgent global challenges, including climate change and resource scarcity, which will directly impact our ability to succeed. As we gather more and better data, we are increasing understanding of our business impacts which improves our Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) performance and enables measurable progress over time. This approach enhances our growth potential in new and existing markets, whilst increasing positive outcomes for all our stakeholders.

We’re also committed to reducing our carbon pollution with an ambitious emissions reduction pathway. We will submit our targets to the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) for validation next year. We are proud members of the UN Global Compact and active supporters of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Looking ahead, I am confident that our mission, vision, purpose and values, together with our four sustainability pillars will serve as a futureproof platform for Clinigen’s growth and enhanced positive impact.  They will enable us to accelerate access to medicines for more people in more corners of the world, enhancing the health of patients whilst protecting the health of the planet.  Whatever the challenge, we find a way.

Jerome Charton, CEO

Find out more about our four sustainability objectives and commitments by clicking on each of the links below:

  1. Accelerating Access
  2. Decarbonising Healthcare
  3. Developing Changemakers
  4. Leading with integrity